Arts at Hayfield
Arts at Hayfield



Become a member of Arts at Hayfield. We are an incorporated, non-profit, community-focused arts organization.

We invite community members, Penn State Wilkes-Barre campus faculty, staff, and students to join our arts initiatives. We endeavor to sustain current and future arts programs at Penn State Wilkes-Barre and throughout the Back Mountain and Wyoming Valley.


Our Individual and Family members volunteer to help with the Summer Arts Festival, Homespun Holiday Craft Show, selection committees for new artist/crafter applications to the events, and review scholarship applications for the annual Irene Thomas Memorial Academic Scholarship award. We conduct two regularly scheduled meetings. One dinner meeting in April or May and one brunch meeting in November. 


Arts at Hayfield – 4-Month Business Membership - (4 Months - Online Promotions) 1. At least one (1) Facebook Advertisement post each month at the top of the feed on the Arts at Hayfield Facebook Page. Showcases 3-6 photos, contact information, and a one-paragraph description. 2. Separate Online Facebook Business Album on the Arts at Hayfield Facebook Page with 3-6  photos, contact information, and a one-paragraph description. Even when a business is not listed at the top of the Facebook feed, the business information will always be available to visitors! (Enclose up to six (6) high-quality JPEG photos with the Application.) 3. Assistance with creating a Facebook Page or link to an existing Facebook Page or website if available.    

Arts at Hayfield – 12-Month Business Membership - (12 Months - Online Promotions)  1. At least two (2) Facebook Advertisement posts per month at the top of the feed on the Arts at Hayfield Facebook Page. Showcases 6-9 photos, contact information, and a one-paragraph description  2. Separate Online Facebook Business Album on the Arts at Hayfield Facebook Page with up to nine (9) photos, contact information, and a one-paragraph description. Even when a business is not listed at the top of the Facebook feed, the business information will always be available to visitors! (Enclose up to Nine (9) high-quality JPEG photos with the Application.) 3. Assistance creating a Facebook Page or link to an existing Facebook Page or website if available.  4. Vendor/Crafter Gallery Page Listing on the Arts at Hayfield Website. Business Links and Photos - Crafter Gallery page on the Arts at Hayfield website. Includes up to nine (9) photos, one paragraph description, with detailed contact information.  5. YouTube Video. Created for the business by Arts at Hayfield using photos and contact information. Videos will be posted on the Arts At Hayfield YouTube Channel with links on Facebook and the website. 6. Optional – 1 Business Video Demonstration/Interview. Provided by the business - existing MP4 or PPT file. 


If you enjoy promoting the arts, become a member of Arts at Hayfield. Print and mail a completed membership form below or complete the online membership form:


Arts at Hayfield Membership Form - Download & Print
Arts at Hayfield offers several options to become a member. Support local Artists, Crafters, and Musicians by becoming a member today!
AAH Membership Form Updated.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [76.1 KB]


or fill out the Online Membership Form 

Checks or money orders made out to Arts at Hayfield.


Send payments to:
Arts at Hayfield
44 University Dr.
Dallas, PA 18612



President: Jonathan Pineno

Vice President: TBD

Recording Secretary: Karen Winters

Treasurer: Janis Winter

Members at Large: Bernardine Vojtko & Mary Reddy


Next Arts at Hayfield Events

39th Summer Arts Festival

Sunday, August 24, 2025


35th Homespun Holidays

Craft Show

Sunday, November 2, 2025


Feature Article about Arts at Hayfield by Goldie Van Horn:



Crafter Applications


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Arts at Hayfield • 44 University Drive • Dallas, PA 18612 • 570-675-9232